12 Must-Have Books for Senior Software Engineers

Ali Zeynalli
4 min readOct 6, 2023
Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

Most Computer Science students get pumped up with lots of theory in university years, that don’t really apply to day-to-day working life. Basically, there are bunch of qualitative books for software engineers that are not part of the university curriculum. Based on my personal book shelf and with some research I tried to point out some important software engineering books that I believe would take the reader to next level.

1.Basic Data Structures and Algorithms are fundamental pillars for every Software Engineer. Although these do not apply very much to working life too much on daily basis, understanding different techniques and patterns is a good plus. Introduction To Algorithms is the perfect allrounder book to master DTs and Algos. This is a very theoretic book, but it has also perfect puzzles with solutions.

Introduction to Algorithms

2. For those who are actively looking for a job and have difficulties with technical interviews Cracking The Coding Interview is a salvation. This masterpiece goes over most important techniques when solving different dt and algo puzzles in terms of time and memory efficiency.



Ali Zeynalli
Ali Zeynalli

Written by Ali Zeynalli

IT-Architect | BMW Group | M.Sc. Technical University of Berlin

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