Architectural View on Event Streaming Paradigm

Ali Zeynalli
3 min readMay 26, 2024
Photo by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash

Event Streaming Platforms are pretty popular solution in nowadays IT world. Event Streaming cops with getting real-time data from different sources as a stream of event and delivers this continuous flow of data to different destinations for further refinement.

Event Streaming is used widely, for example, in industries like:

  • continuous capturing of data from different IoT sensors/devices
  • handling with customer data in e-commerce, hotel and travel industry
  • processing financial transactions in bank, insurance companies

Event Streaming Platforms (ESP) versus Message Queues (MQ)…

Functionalities of Event Streaming Platforms and Message Queues are somehow interchangeable. They both provide decoupled message like communication over network, message production/consumption is asynchronous, the server/client model is highly decoupled. Historically, ESPs are introduced as a predecessor or competitor to MQs while eliminating shortages of Messaging Middlewares like:

  • repeated consumption of data
  • ordered consumption of data
  • long time data retention

Apache Kafka and Apache Pulsar are trending Event Streaming Platforms that are open-source.



Ali Zeynalli

IT-Architect | BMW Group | M.Sc. Technical University of Berlin